Tuesday, July 20, 2010

Sample tables...

A few of the table layouts here. Each will come with a notecard with a delineation of terrain, so that you and your opponent can get straight to rolling dice. Everything delineated below is straight out of the 40k BRB. Some of the tables have buildings on them, which we gather some folks don't always play, so below is a delineation of what stats the buildings to the left might have.

#1 (left)--each of the buildings is WISYWIG in terms of entrances/exits and fire points. All armor 10. Two story structures hold up to one unit of twenty models; single story structures hold up to ten. Hedges are a 5+ cover save, though may be tall enough to wholly obscure LOS for some models. Otherwise, standard 4+ saves.

Other layouts, see the album:
The Shenanigan 1250

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