Tuesday, August 3, 2010

Final Precon Post...a few importand things.

Hi all,

Looking forward to seeing you all in a couple of days for some gaming. One thing that has been missing has been any kind of guidance on armylists. Feast your eyes on the following bullet points.
  • Armies must be constructed from the most current version of an army's codex, according to the restrictions of that codex.
  • Armies may contain a maximum of 1250 points.
  • Wherever a question arises on rules pertaining to army building, reference first the official Games Workshop FAQs. If there is inadequate clarity, consult the INAT FAQ

For now, have a download of scenarios 2&3 from this link.

EDIT 8.3.1056: The scoring sheets are available for perusal/download from this link

From The Shenanigan 1250

EDIT 8.3.1102: Liberace would find it difficult to out-fabulous our fabulous PRIZE SUPPORT, (pictured above) brought to you by SHENANIGANS of Taylor, Mi. Disclaimer: gallon of milk and salt shaker are, sadly, not included.
Hope to updating this post with more stuff (we have some pictures of the FABULOUS PRIZES just waiting to be uploaded.)

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