Monday, July 12, 2010

First scenario tested/complete!

At long last, we've managed to piece together time enough to get our scenario programming squared away. To boot, we quartermastered the terrain and a post should be following with pictures of the table layouts.

So, without further adieu, What will likely be scenario #3.
Spinal Injury or "The Breakpoint"
If this looks reminiscent of one of the new pitched battles from Fantasy 8th, there's no coincidence.
Reserves, Infiltrate, Scout, Outflank, Deep Strike, Vanguards (see below), Demoralization (see below).
Each player places one objective at least 18" from any table edge or the other objective. Determine who places first randomly.
Each player then throws a die. The winner may choose to be the first or second player.
The first player then selects a long table edge and deploys per Dawn of War.
The second player then deploys opposite him.
SPECIAL RULE: VANGUARDS--Units with Scout may move onto the board with their scout move before the start of the game. Units with infiltrate may deploy per the infiltrate special rule on the table without counting against the 1HQ/2TRP constraint from Dawn of War.
At the end of turn 5, roll a die. On a 2+, the game continues and a turn 6 is fought. At the end of turn 6, roll a die, on a 4+, the game continues and a turn 7 is fought.
At the end of turn 7, the game ends.
The game ends at the end of any complete turn after time is called.
For each player, calculate an 'army strength' using the following formula:
(2+2 per HQ FOC slot filled+1 per troops FOC slot filled)
Divide this number by two. Whenever enough kill points are inflicted upon a player's army to exceed this number, the player's army is said to be Broken. EDIT 7/28: Additionally, if an Army has no units remaining (tabled) it counts as broken.
Victory: 14 points
You broke the opponent's army and yours survived.
Draw: 8 points Either A: neither side's army broke, or B: Both side's armies broke.
Defeat: 0 points Your army was broken and the opponent's lay intact.
Outnumber the opponent 2:1 (or more) in units on the field at the games' end. If anything can count as a Kill Point when dead, then it counts as a unit when alive for purposes of this objective.
Victory: 10 points
Draw: 6 points
Defeat: 0 points
End the game in control of an objective.
Each Objective: 3 points.

After an army exceeds its breakpoint, all profile characteristics of models in the army, except T and W, (WS/BS/S/I/A/LD for most models; F/S/R/BS for vehicles) are reduced by 1, starting at the beginning of the broken armies' next turn.

Units controlling or contesting one of the objectives are not demoralized as long as they are within 3" of an objective.

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