Monday, July 12, 2010

Scenario 1: Prospector's Pride (land grab)

Before deployment, each player secretly notes which FOC type represented in the opponents' army list will be Tenacious, then discloses their choice to the opposing player.
Deployment: Spearhead

Special Rules: Reserves, Infiltrate, Outflank, Scout, Deep Strike, Prospecting (see below), What are we Fighting For? (See below), and Tenacity (See Below).

The battlefield is rich with unknown spoils--which neither side knows the exact location of.

Special Rule: Prospecting
Each time an area terrain feature or building whose footprint is not within (even partially) either players' deployment zone is entered/embarked into, the moving player rolls a die. On a 5+, the terrain/building's entire area becomes an objective.

When prospecting, a Tenacious (see below) unit may reroll the die this does not count against the one Tenacity reroll per phase (below) it receives.

Special Rule: What are we fighting for?
Each side came into the battle with high hopes. If those hopes are dashed, they will entrench for the long haul.
If, at the end of turn 3, no objectives have been discovered, each player deploys a single objective per deep strike (reroll any mishaps or offboard scatters). The first player places his objective first, then the second. Then begin turn 4. All Prospecting (above) ends.

Qualifier: control more objectives than the opponent.
Win: 14 points
Draw: 8 points
Loss: 0 points

Secondary Objective: Decimate their best!
Destroy all of the opponent's Tenacious units, not counting dedicated transports.
Win: 10 points
Draw: 8 points
Loss: 0 points

Tertiary Objective: Salt in the wound
End the game with at least one non-dedicated-transport Tenacious unit in the opponent's deployment area. Both players may achieve this objective.
Win: 4 points.

Tactical Bonus: In for The long Haul
End the game with more non-dedicated-transport scoring units than the opponent
2 points.

Special Rule: Tenacity
At the beginning of the game, each player decides which of their opponents' forces will be tenacious. Each of these units (INCLUDING any dedicated transports, eg, Rhinos) may make a single reroll each phase of each turn. This may be any sort of roll (eg, dangerous terrain test, saving throw, to-hit, scatter, etc), but it must be the units' to make, not the opponents'. Note that the rules prohibiting a reroll of a reroll in the BRB still apply, so a twin-linked weapon, skilled rider, etc, does not become any more skilled, nor twin-linked.

Ending the Game
The game lasts 6 turns.

This Scenario is available for Download.
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