Friday, March 5, 2010


With a little less than six months from Gen Con, there's a whole lot of time between us and the tournament. But for anyone thinking of registering or setting aside time for this tourney, here's the rap:
  • Gen Con is the Mecca of Gaming. We're here to feed all our geek passions, too. We'd like to move GenCon toward a more all-inclusive gaming fair, and providing an accessible, yet well-organized tournament to showcase 40k is our goal.
  • The Flames of War guys are beating the pants off of 40k tournaments on terrain. We aim to provide evocative, playable tables that stand true to the 25% rubric. Our goal is to post photos of the layouts before the tournament date so that you can start thinking tactically.
  • 1250 points is a format that allows rounds to end in two hours. Most Codicies can access all of their good stuff, and hordes function well, yet don't take so long to move that rounds bog down.
  • We believe the trend towards KP in all scenarios disadvantages many codicies that favor high levels of squad articulation--and
  • We're looking into having 1-2 of the rounds be Battle Missions or Planetstrike-inspired scenarios.
  • 'Comp' is a fiction, 'Cheese' is not.
  • Some of the Adepticon Rulings of late have been a little off-base. We'll publish any differences as we lead up to the event.
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