Sunday, March 21, 2010

A rant on poorly thought tourney rules.

Well, we've been going over what the goals for the event would be in a positive sense.

Some few things have conspired over the past week to set a feeling of revulsion in our guts, things that we promise to not do.
  1. We will not create a scoring system where each HQ cumulatively adds points as it is killed...for once, Adepticon has it right, making there be only one designated army general. Some armies depend/are themed more heavily around their characters, (Daemons and Wolves), and what we will not do is force players to go out of character for their army simply to avoid throwing away games; nor will an asinine rule like this cause the scoring of the entire tournament to dive southward in its numerical validity.
  2. We will not invent missions that some armies or styles simply cannot win. Example: the (in)famous 'messenger' mission, which in its 'updated' form forces players to march their (very) squishy troops across the board, sans transport. (Tau anyone?) If you'd like to bring a squishy army, we'd like to put as few obstacles in the way of your success as possible--enabling folks to try out new ideas and resurrecting old ones is a goal for us.
    For us, the judge of your army's success is in its comparison to the foe--this game is not one in which the themes of Man v. Nature, or Army v. Bureaucracy feature heavily.
  3. We will not set up tables that will decide games on the roll off for edge choice. Further, when you walk up to a table with a DS army, or a tank 'coy' we don't want to lose or win the game for you with the terrain. (see below entry).
  4. We will not make dozens of fiat rulings against the RAW (or its omissions) without imperative and "doom" worthy circumstances. The Adepticon FAQ has gotten too long, for too few reasons, folks...Upcoming, something(s) that we will let fly, and let your opponent decide the fairness of on his scoresheet for himself.
  5. We will not charge you an arm and a leg to play 3 good games of 40k at a convention that's about fun. We've gotten a great sponsorship for terrain and prize support (the folks at Shenanigans Cards & Games, our FLGS), and we're going to pass that help on to you.
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