Friday, March 5, 2010

The S(c)ore-ing system

Much has been made of the 'comp/sports overload' and the erosion of generalship as a central component of tournaments, most notably by TastyTaste of, and many others.

Personally, I believe that people should have an incentive in a hobby-based competition to pursue unconventional ideas and model interesting armies. Of course, those same armies should be competitive on the field, but risk needs some form of reward.

Presently, we're trying to parse out a system that would place 85% of the weight towards the overall prize on generalship, with the remaining 15% spread between Sports, Modeling/Innovation/'Spirit', and paint.

This is an example/draft system:
Generalship: 85 points/round, 60 points primary (60/40/20); Secondary 15 (15/10/5); tertiary (10/5/0); 8 points of Sports, 2 of paint, player choice, 2 for originality/conversions, and 3 points (9 overall) for the standard paint/model judged rubric.

Rest assured we will NOT use the existing Golden Bolter or Adepticon system, that whatever decision is made it will be published well in advance of the tournament, and that there will be prizes for Overall, General, Painting, and Modelling/Innovation, and sports. Tentatively, if anyone would win two categories, we'd go to 2nd Overall, 3rd overall, and so on. We will also work to get 1-2 'lottery' prizes in to make it worthwhile to stick around.
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