Tuesday, August 3, 2010

Final Precon Post...a few importand things.

Hi all,

Looking forward to seeing you all in a couple of days for some gaming. One thing that has been missing has been any kind of guidance on armylists. Feast your eyes on the following bullet points.
  • Armies must be constructed from the most current version of an army's codex, according to the restrictions of that codex.
  • Armies may contain a maximum of 1250 points.
  • Wherever a question arises on rules pertaining to army building, reference first the official Games Workshop FAQs. If there is inadequate clarity, consult the INAT FAQ

For now, have a download of scenarios 2&3 from this link.

EDIT 8.3.1056: The scoring sheets are available for perusal/download from this link

From The Shenanigan 1250

EDIT 8.3.1102: Liberace would find it difficult to out-fabulous our fabulous PRIZE SUPPORT, (pictured above) brought to you by SHENANIGANS of Taylor, Mi. Disclaimer: gallon of milk and salt shaker are, sadly, not included.
Hope to updating this post with more stuff (we have some pictures of the FABULOUS PRIZES just waiting to be uploaded.)


Tuesday, July 20, 2010

Sample tables...

A few of the table layouts here. Each will come with a notecard with a delineation of terrain, so that you and your opponent can get straight to rolling dice. Everything delineated below is straight out of the 40k BRB. Some of the tables have buildings on them, which we gather some folks don't always play, so below is a delineation of what stats the buildings to the left might have.

#1 (left)--each of the buildings is WISYWIG in terms of entrances/exits and fire points. All armor 10. Two story structures hold up to one unit of twenty models; single story structures hold up to ten. Hedges are a 5+ cover save, though may be tall enough to wholly obscure LOS for some models. Otherwise, standard 4+ saves.

Other layouts, see the album:
The Shenanigan 1250

Monday, July 12, 2010

Scenario 1: Prospector's Pride (land grab)

Before deployment, each player secretly notes which FOC type represented in the opponents' army list will be Tenacious, then discloses their choice to the opposing player.
Deployment: Spearhead

Special Rules: Reserves, Infiltrate, Outflank, Scout, Deep Strike, Prospecting (see below), What are we Fighting For? (See below), and Tenacity (See Below).

The battlefield is rich with unknown spoils--which neither side knows the exact location of.

Special Rule: Prospecting
Each time an area terrain feature or building whose footprint is not within (even partially) either players' deployment zone is entered/embarked into, the moving player rolls a die. On a 5+, the terrain/building's entire area becomes an objective.

When prospecting, a Tenacious (see below) unit may reroll the die this does not count against the one Tenacity reroll per phase (below) it receives.

Special Rule: What are we fighting for?
Each side came into the battle with high hopes. If those hopes are dashed, they will entrench for the long haul.
If, at the end of turn 3, no objectives have been discovered, each player deploys a single objective per deep strike (reroll any mishaps or offboard scatters). The first player places his objective first, then the second. Then begin turn 4. All Prospecting (above) ends.

Qualifier: control more objectives than the opponent.
Win: 14 points
Draw: 8 points
Loss: 0 points

Secondary Objective: Decimate their best!
Destroy all of the opponent's Tenacious units, not counting dedicated transports.
Win: 10 points
Draw: 8 points
Loss: 0 points

Tertiary Objective: Salt in the wound
End the game with at least one non-dedicated-transport Tenacious unit in the opponent's deployment area. Both players may achieve this objective.
Win: 4 points.

Tactical Bonus: In for The long Haul
End the game with more non-dedicated-transport scoring units than the opponent
2 points.

Special Rule: Tenacity
At the beginning of the game, each player decides which of their opponents' forces will be tenacious. Each of these units (INCLUDING any dedicated transports, eg, Rhinos) may make a single reroll each phase of each turn. This may be any sort of roll (eg, dangerous terrain test, saving throw, to-hit, scatter, etc), but it must be the units' to make, not the opponents'. Note that the rules prohibiting a reroll of a reroll in the BRB still apply, so a twin-linked weapon, skilled rider, etc, does not become any more skilled, nor twin-linked.

Ending the Game
The game lasts 6 turns.

This Scenario is available for Download.

Scenario 2: Kidnapping & Armed Robbery

Starting the game:
Players alternate placing five objectives at least 12" from any table edge or other objective. Roll off to determine who places first.
Special rules: Reserves, outflank, Scout, infiltrate, abduction (see below), Daybreak (see below) and scramble (see below).

Per Pitched Battle, with the following exceptions for Daybreak and Scramble, below.

Daybreak: The locations of the objectives have just been discovered. No unit may be deployed within 6" of any objective. Note that this may cause there to insufficient room on the table to deploy all units.

Scramble: Each player nominates a single FOC type represented in their list in secret after objective placement, but before deployment. Then each player discloses the FOC type. Units of this type may Enter play from their own side's board edge on turn 1 rather than delploying or being placed in reserve. Note that the Scrambling units are involved in the secondary objective, Force Preservation, below.

Ending the game:
The game lasts 6 turns, or at the end of any complete turn after time has been called.
The objectives in this mission are VIPs, Briefcases full of intelligence material, computers with scandalworthy data on them, the severed head of a warboss taken in trophy, and other portable (but important) sundries.

Special Rule: Abduction
Beginning on turn 3, if a scoring or scrambling (see special rule above) unit, with a WS (weapons skill) characteristic begins its movement phase controlling an objective and is neither pinned nor falling back, that unit may 'pick up' that objective, effectively removing it from the board (note, however, that the unit is carrying the objective). A unit may only carry one abducted objective. If a Scrambling Independent character is joined to a unit, he may also pick up another, single objective.

Units carrying abducted objectives may move off their own sides' table edge during their own movement phase (only), leaving the game permanently. Objectives removed from the table in this way count as scored for their own side.

If a unit carrying an objective is required to fall back, it drops the objective adjacent to a model in the unit of the unit owner's choice.
If a unit carrying an abducted objective is destroyed by shooting, the objective is placed on the table in the location of one of the destroyed models (shooter's choice). If a unit carrying an abducted objective is destroyed in close combat, a scoring or scrambling unit on the winning side may abduct the objective (if allowed); otherwise the objective is placed on the table as per shooting. If an independent character with an abducted objective is killed while joined to a unit, the unit may immediately begin carrying the objective (if allowed, e.g., scoring/scrambling+not already carrying). If enemy are within 3" of the abducting unit (or its transport, if embarked) at the game end, the objective carried counts as contested.

NOTE: if a scrambling, abducting unit is not also a scoring unit, it will not earn its side points for its abducted objective unless it has departed the board, or a scoring unit is within 3" of the abductor.
Victory (more objectives than opponent): 14
Draw: 8 points
Loss: 0 points

Secondary Objective: Force Preservation
Each side must preserve its Scrambling (see above) units, as they are vital units on loan from headquarters. Qualifier: At least one Scrambling unit (dedicated transports do not count) survived or departed the table on your side.
Victory (one or more Scrambling units survived on your side while none did on the opponents): 10
Draw: 6
Loss: 0

Tertiary Objective: Absconding with the goods
For each objective that departed the table due to the Abduction rule, above, you gain 1 point.

Tactical Bonus: A feather in the cap
If you destroyed all of the opponent's Scoring Units: 1 point. Both players can achieve this.

First scenario tested/complete!

At long last, we've managed to piece together time enough to get our scenario programming squared away. To boot, we quartermastered the terrain and a post should be following with pictures of the table layouts.

So, without further adieu, What will likely be scenario #3.
Spinal Injury or "The Breakpoint"
If this looks reminiscent of one of the new pitched battles from Fantasy 8th, there's no coincidence.
Reserves, Infiltrate, Scout, Outflank, Deep Strike, Vanguards (see below), Demoralization (see below).
Each player places one objective at least 18" from any table edge or the other objective. Determine who places first randomly.
Each player then throws a die. The winner may choose to be the first or second player.
The first player then selects a long table edge and deploys per Dawn of War.
The second player then deploys opposite him.
SPECIAL RULE: VANGUARDS--Units with Scout may move onto the board with their scout move before the start of the game. Units with infiltrate may deploy per the infiltrate special rule on the table without counting against the 1HQ/2TRP constraint from Dawn of War.
At the end of turn 5, roll a die. On a 2+, the game continues and a turn 6 is fought. At the end of turn 6, roll a die, on a 4+, the game continues and a turn 7 is fought.
At the end of turn 7, the game ends.
The game ends at the end of any complete turn after time is called.
For each player, calculate an 'army strength' using the following formula:
(2+2 per HQ FOC slot filled+1 per troops FOC slot filled)
Divide this number by two. Whenever enough kill points are inflicted upon a player's army to exceed this number, the player's army is said to be Broken. EDIT 7/28: Additionally, if an Army has no units remaining (tabled) it counts as broken.
Victory: 14 points
You broke the opponent's army and yours survived.
Draw: 8 points Either A: neither side's army broke, or B: Both side's armies broke.
Defeat: 0 points Your army was broken and the opponent's lay intact.
Outnumber the opponent 2:1 (or more) in units on the field at the games' end. If anything can count as a Kill Point when dead, then it counts as a unit when alive for purposes of this objective.
Victory: 10 points
Draw: 6 points
Defeat: 0 points
End the game in control of an objective.
Each Objective: 3 points.

After an army exceeds its breakpoint, all profile characteristics of models in the army, except T and W, (WS/BS/S/I/A/LD for most models; F/S/R/BS for vehicles) are reduced by 1, starting at the beginning of the broken armies' next turn.

Units controlling or contesting one of the objectives are not demoralized as long as they are within 3" of an objective.

Wednesday, May 26, 2010


Things are pressing forward towards H-hour.

Scenario testing is underway, the first solid idea is a tableau called 'daybreak' that has one unit from each of the FOC families deploying turn 1, and the remainder delayed until turn 3. Secondary objective will be control at the end of turn 3. This will likely be our first scenario. A few feasibility games are yet needed.

Scenario 2 promises to be interesting. Tentatively, the entire area 6" from the board's center (9" will contest/control) will count as an objective, with two more to either side. The secondary, a choose-your own assassinate, should leave some blood on the ground (each player secretly nominates, then reveals, an FOC type to kill all of from the opponent's list).

Scenario 3 is up in the air, but neccessarily will be a kill point primary...the recent 'Ard Boyz modulation of it was (in our most humble evaluation), utter crap. Due to the sparing points onboard, we'd like to still encourage more little units zooming about, and the player with more total units on the board at the game's end may get a tertiary bonus. . Secondary is up in the air, but here's one that's on the table: (this idea coming fresh and may be retracted): A special objective placed by each player. Only FA and HS units may score it.

MEANWHILE, several poorly run tournaments in our area have left us sure that things can be done better. The terrain statement holds-expect fair and varied abundance of it. Expect us to be solomonic, and well grounded in the rulebook, as opposed to relic folkways from 3rd and 4th edition. We don't want to get in the way of two people having fun, but part of being accessible to new players neccessarily will mean that we will facilitate clarity where necessary on the way that LOS and cover works according to the 5th edition rulebook. Speaking personally, there are some old ways of doing things that I had stuck in my head that, aren't in the game any longer.

One example is combat squads. Units DEPLOY as they arrive from reserve, and therefore any splitting happens as they place their models on the board--whenever that may occur. This is a tiny thing...but what I mean to say is,

We're working hard to have answers to questions if they come.
Remember the most important rule though--have fun, and if it comes to it, roll a die (or adjust cover plus or minus one) and move on. That should go without saying.

EXPECT to always get an even number of turns. This should go without saying, but somehow ending on the bottom of any turn after time was called was apparently not an obvious necessity for a local TO, leading to a breach in the tournament's valididty...and then some.

EXPECT clarity on some things. Example: here, DoA won't work with a drop pod, because the unit DSing is the pod, not the men inside. Likewise, a commandment to deploy a 'unit' refers to the rhino and its companion men as separate entities that are, in fact very separable.

For now...
We're looking forward to the best four days in Gaming as much as you!
Rock on!

Thursday, April 1, 2010

First Hoop Discharged--

Got this back today, things are moving ahead.
When we get final confirmation that will go down here as well.

Accepted for Consideration

Dear justinian_85 (ID: 20477),

NMN1011259 Calixis System 40k Tourney-1250pts has been Accepted for Consideration.

This means that we did not find any problems in your submission, but it has not been given a location and is not Active yet. We will place this event with others that were submitted in the same cycle and confirm space for it soon.

Details for your event are provided below. Please take this opportunity to review your event to make sure that everything is correct – this is the last opportunity you have to make any changes before it will be viewable by the public.

If you need to make any changes, please let us know as soon as possible.

Thanks again for helping run events!

Gen Con Events Team


Game ID
Gaming Group / CompanyTeam Shenanigans
TitleCalixis System 40k Tourney-1250pts
DescriptionFor Glory! (and prizes) Three Rounds of battle in a friendly, organized battle for the Calixis System. Our goal is to 'raise the bar' in midpoint tourneys @ GenCon; Join us in making it happen. GenCon40k.Blogspot.Com for scenarios, for board layouts, scenarios, and background.
Event TypeNMN - Non-Historical Miniatures
Game SystemWarhammer 40,000
Rules Edition5th
Min Players16
Max Players30
Age RequirementTeen (13+)
Experience RequiredComfortable (you play regularly)
Materials ProvidedNo
Preferred Time08/05/2010 05:00:00 PM
Event Duration6.5
GM Names
Message to Registered PlayersWelcome to the Shenanigan 1250! Check out the blog (gencon40k.blogspot.com) for updates, and in July, the scenario packet & scoring layout. Inquire, comment, talk trash, issue grudges.
Web Address for Infogencon40k.blogspot.com
Email for InfoThe.justinian@gmail.com
Is this Event a Tournament?Yes
If you are submitting rounds this is round1
of total rounds:1
How long can someone expect to play before elimination?6.5
Should attendees sign up for this event?Yes, they can register for this round without having played in any other events
Do you have any special requests?Yes
Special Layout?No
Table Size?60" x 8' (board games and miniatures only)
Players per Table?2
Need Electricity?No
Microphones needed?0
A/V Requests:
Special Request Details
Special Request CostTBD
Gen Con Base Price$8.00
Additional Fee$8.00
Name for PaymentRussell Strawsine, Jr.
Address for Payment15810 Beech Daly Road Taylor, Mi, 48239
Event Cost$16.00