Starting the game:
Players alternate placing five objectives at least 12" from any table edge or other objective. Roll off to determine who places first.
Special rules: Reserves, outflank, Scout, infiltrate, abduction (see below), Daybreak (see below) and scramble (see below).
Per Pitched Battle, with the following exceptions for
Daybreak and
Scramble, below.
Daybreak: The locations of the objectives have just been discovered. No unit may be deployed within 6" of any objective. Note that this may cause there to insufficient room on the table to deploy all units.
Scramble: Each player nominates a single FOC type represented in their list in secret after objective placement, but before deployment. Then each player discloses the FOC type. Units of this type may Enter play from their own side's board edge on turn 1 rather than delploying or being placed in reserve. Note that the Scrambling units are involved in the secondary objective,
Force Preservation, below.
Ending the game:
The game lasts 6 turns, or at the end of any complete turn after time has been called.
PRIMARY OBJECTIVE: LOOTINGThe objectives in this mission are VIPs, Briefcases full of intelligence material, computers with scandalworthy data on them, the severed head of a warboss taken in trophy, and other portable (but important) sundries.
Special Rule: AbductionBeginning on turn 3, if a scoring or scrambling (see special rule above) unit, with a WS (weapons skill) characteristic begins its movement phase controlling an objective and is neither pinned nor falling back, that unit may 'pick up' that objective, effectively removing it from the board (note, however, that the unit is carrying the objective). A unit may only carry one abducted objective. If a
Scrambling Independent character is joined to a unit, he may also pick up another, single objective.
Units carrying abducted objectives may move off their own sides' table edge during their own
movement phase (only), leaving the game permanently. Objectives removed from the table in this way count as scored for their own side.
If a unit carrying an objective is required to fall back, it drops the objective adjacent to a model in the unit of the unit owner's choice.
If a unit carrying an abducted objective is destroyed by shooting, the objective is placed on the table in the location of one of the destroyed models (shooter's choice). If a unit carrying an abducted objective is destroyed in close combat, a scoring or scrambling unit on the winning side may abduct the objective (if allowed); otherwise the objective is placed on the table as per shooting. If an independent character with an abducted objective is killed while joined to a unit, the unit may immediately begin carrying the objective (if allowed, e.g., scoring/scrambling+not already carrying). If enemy are within 3" of the abducting unit (or its transport,
if embarked) at the game end, the objective carried counts as contested.
NOTE: if a scrambling, abducting unit is not also a scoring unit, it will not earn its side points for its abducted objective unless it has departed the board, or a scoring unit is within 3" of the abductor.
Victory (more objectives than opponent): 14
Draw: 8 points
Loss: 0 points
Secondary Objective: Force PreservationEach side must preserve its
Scrambling (see above) units, as they are vital units on loan from headquarters. Qualifier: At least one Scrambling unit (dedicated transports do not count) survived or departed the table on your side.
Victory (one or more Scrambling units survived on your side while none did on the opponents): 10
Draw: 6
Loss: 0
Tertiary Objective: Absconding with the goods
For each objective that departed the table due to the
Abduction rule, above, you gain 1 point.
Tactical Bonus: A feather in the capIf you destroyed all of the opponent's Scoring Units: 1 point. Both players can achieve this.